Tribute to The Girls.

 All of my teammates have set out on a new journey, whether they choose to stay or go. I realize that there are certain people I will never see again after school ends. To help me get used to not seeing them every day, I try keeping my distance from them in order to filter off the emotions. That's my go-to coping strategy in situations like these for a very long time. It's unjust since I should want to see them as frequently as possible, but it also makes life easier. Although I've told myself it will be fine, I know in my heart that it will hurt in the end. The most comforting thing for me is knowing that no matter where they go—whether it's across the globe or only a few hours away—I will always be happy for them. I make an effort to have a good time with the ladies every weekend and take as many pictures as I can to preserve the memories. And that's exactly what we do! This is most likely one of our best off-seasons to date. I will always be appreciative of the women I've met and developed relationships with along the way. Love you guys forever!


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