How'd It Go?

I knew what the results were going to be. I knew the doctor would tell me I was out for the rest of the season. That's how bad the pain was that I was feeling. Nonetheless, I went in for the MRI test and got the results back immediately. Surprisingly they said everything was fine and my knee has improved from my previous surgery. Now you might think that's wonderful news but I was devastated. Those results mean that I'll continue to be in pain and there's no way to fix it. More up and down days. Days where I'd feel so bad that I could barely play. The question started to arise as to where do I go from here?

The coaching staff has been my biggest supporters throughout this tough time. They've made it known that I'm not alone with the daily check-ins and finding solutions to keep me out on the court as much as possible. We came to the conclusion that my minutes within a game would be limited and I'm only allowed to practice Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Fitting workouts in on my off days to keep me in shape and having treatment sessions has helped a lot. The pain has gone down significantly. I'm starting to feel like myself again but is this what the rest of my career going to look like? 

Last week was big for our team as we won our first conference game against Evansville. That was also my first game back and it felt so good to be out there again. Due to my limitations, I only played mostly in the second half. It was a great feeling to win again! After our road games we have this bet with the coaches that if we win, we get blizzards from Dairy Queen. We were extremely excited about that and my order was an Oreo blizzard (10/10). When will the Bradley Women's basketball team feel that joy again?


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